Chapter 22 Page 81

For me, walking through a casino is an interesting experience.

For some people it is fun and energizing.

For me, it’s a bit overwhelming, with the large crowds of people and all the activity. So I summoned the angels to bless and protect me as I walked into the commotion.

The angels went to work immediately.

All of a sudden, billowing light started coming out of my chest and shot about ten feet ahead of me.

It was like one of those theatrical smoke/fog machines except it was coming out of me.

Holy Smoke!

I could see the angels forming and moving into the swirling smoke ahead of me, gently guiding everyone to either side, clearing the way.

The crowd was parting without looking back at me.

The angel bodyguards were at work. It was a work of perfection and grace. I could see the people all moving quickly away, like it was a tag game and I was “it.”

But it was a graceful flow, like a gentle wind moving them in a new direction.

A look into the celestial realms

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