Chapter 29 Page 104

After about an hour talk, the lecturer said he was going to be quiet.

He closed his eyes and began a silent healing for the group.

As soon as he started, an oval-shaped portal of bright swirling light appeared in the room on the side wall to his right.

It was the full height of the ceiling, about ten feet high and four feet wide.

After a short time, a large angel came through the portal. He looked different from other angels I had seen before.

I somehow understood that he radiated more authority in the hierarchy of angels.

His wings were folded and rose well above his head.

He wore a draping white gown with a long, blue sash-belt gently tied around his waist and loosely falling down his left leg to the floor.

…. In the angel’s left hand, he was holding a golden chalice ….

A look into the celestial realms

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